If you’ve ever considered getting a massage, why not take the plunge and choose luxurious day spa services in Frederick, MD? There are many different types of day spa services to offer at the very best day spa in the area, City Magnolia. Our spa offers prime services at a professional level to soothe your aches, pains, tensions, or just to help you have a relaxing day.
City Magnolia Services
City Magnolia has many services to offer, each designed to provide a great experience that will leave you feeling happier and more relaxed than when you came in. Our day spa treatments include:
– Massages to help decrease pain, alleviate stress, increase energy, reduce anxiety, and more!
– Facials and Skin Care treatments to help repair damage to your skin, increase hydration, reduce breakouts, and more!
– Body wraps and scrubs
– Waxing services
– Tanning and tinting services to help you achieve your desired look
Which to Choose?
When it comes to picking the right spa services, it can be a bit overwhelming. If you are having any trouble picking the right treatment, simply call the spa and ask them if they could help you pick out the right service for you.